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Uploaded: 10/31/24 13:34 EduCase
Viewed: 16 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 140
Dose: No
Category: Zambia Residents program
Groups : Zambia Residents program 2024 AJ
Image Modalities: CT
Doctor's Name: Dr. Shane Stecklein
Server locations: US, Cape Town, Singapore
WCLC - Thymoma - C2 - Percy Lee, M.D

Workshop Timeline: IASLC 2024 World Conference on Lung Cancer | San Diego (WCLC 2024) September 7th, 2024

1. MR linac applications in NSCLC - Percy Lee, M.D.
2. When/how to utilize adaptive RT treatment techniques in NSCLC - Pamela Samson, MD, MPHS
3. SBRT boost in locally advanced NSCLC- LU008 contouring guidelines - Charles B. Simone, MD
4. SBRT for oligoprogression - C. Jillian Tsai MD, MS, PhD

Contouring Homework:
SpinalCord on Slices 18, 28, 34, 45, 67
Lung L on Slices 16, 28, 34, 45, 67
Heart on Slices 67
Esophagus on Slices 16, 28, 34, 45, 67
Chestwall on Slices 45, 67
PTV_4500 on Slices 16, 28, 34, 45, 67
GTV on Slices 16, 28, 34, 45, 67
CTV_4500 on Slices 16, 28, 34, 45, 67
GreatVes on Slices 16, 28, 34, 45, 67

Resource Files:
- WCLC_P.Lee_MRgRT Vignette.pdf
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 08/15/24 03:06 EduCase
Viewed: 56 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 126
Dose: Yes
Category: 2024 World Lung Conference
Groups : 2024 World Lung Conference
Image Modalities: CT, MR, PT
DVH: Yes
Disease Site: Head and Neck
Server locations: US, Canada, Frankfurt, Singapore
WCLC - LLL Adenocarcinoma - C1 - Percy Lee, M.D.

Workshop Timeline: IASLC 2024 World Conference on Lung Cancer | San Diego (WCLC 2024) September 7th, 2024

1. MR linac applications in NSCLC - Percy Lee, M.D.
2. When/how to utilize adaptive RT treatment techniques in NSCLC - Pamela Samson, MD, MPHS
3. SBRT boost in locally advanced NSCLC- LU008 contouring guidelines - Charles B. Simone, MD
4. SBRT for oligoprogression - C. Jillian Tsai MD, MS, PhD

Contouring Homework:
GTV LLL BH 60 on Slices 103, 112
PTV LLL BH 50 on Slices 103, 112
Lungs on Slices 85, 109, 112
Chestwall on Slices 85, 109, 112
Heart on Slices 85, 109, 112
SpinalCord on Slices 103, 112, 118
Stomach on Slices 112, 118
Bowel on Slices 118, 126
Esophagus on Slices 94, 110

Resource Files:
- WCLC_P.Lee_MRgRT Vignette.pdf
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 08/15/24 03:06 EduCase
Viewed: 63 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 130
Dose: No
Category: 2024 World Lung Conference
Groups : 2024 World Lung Conference
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, Canada, Frankfurt, Singapore
WCLC - INITIAL_SBRT - Charles B. Simone, MD

Workshop Timeline: IASLC 2024 World Conference on Lung Cancer | San Diego (WCLC 2024) September 7th, 2024

1. MR linac applications in NSCLC - Percy Lee, M.D.
2. When/how to utilize adaptive RT treatment techniques in NSCLC - Pamela Samson, MD, MPHS
3. SBRT boost in locally advanced NSCLC- LU008 contouring guidelines - Charles B. Simone, MD
4. SBRT for oligoprogression - C. Jillian Tsai MD, MS, PhD

Contouring Homework:
None - backup case

Resource Files:
- WCLC_C-Simone Vignette.pdf
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 08/15/24 03:05 EduCase
Viewed: 26 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 232
Dose: No
Category: 2024 World Lung Conference
Groups : 2024 World Lung Conference
Image Modalities: CT, PT
Server locations: US, Canada, Frankfurt, Singapore
WCLC - Induction Therapy - Charles B. Simone, MD

Workshop Timeline: IASLC 2024 World Conference on Lung Cancer | San Diego (WCLC 2024) September 7th, 2024

1. MR linac applications in NSCLC - Percy Lee, M.D.
2. When/how to utilize adaptive RT treatment techniques in NSCLC - Pamela Samson, MD, MPHS
3. SBRT boost in locally advanced NSCLC- LU008 contouring guidelines - Charles B. Simone, MD
4. SBRT for oligoprogression - C. Jillian Tsai MD, MS, PhD

Contouring Homework:
GTVn on Slices 52, 61, 69
GTVp on Slices 81
PTV_Combined on Slices 52, 61, 69, 81
GreatVes on Slices 52, 61, 69, 81
BrachialPlex_L on Slices 42

Resource Files:
- WCLC_C-Simone Vignette.pdf
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 08/15/24 03:05 EduCase
Viewed: 55 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 158
Dose: No
Category: 2024 World Lung Conference
Groups : 2024 World Lung Conference
Image Modalities: CT, PT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, Canada, Frankfurt, Singapore
WCLC - Proton Lung Retreatment - Pamela Samson, MD, MPHS

Workshop Timeline: IASLC 2024 World Conference on Lung Cancer | San Diego (WCLC 2024) September 7th, 2024

1. MR linac applications in NSCLC - Percy Lee, M.D.
2. When/how to utilize adaptive RT treatment techniques in NSCLC - Pamela Samson, MD, MPHS
3. SBRT boost in locally advanced NSCLC- LU008 contouring guidelines - Charles B. Simone, MD
4. SBRT for oligoprogression - C. Jillian Tsai MD, MS, PhD

Contouring Homework:
GTV  on Slices 66, 72, 82, 88
BronchialTree  on Slices 66, 72, 82, 88
Esophagus  on Slices 66, 72, 82, 88
GreatVessels on Slices 66, 72, 82, 88

Resource Files:
- WCLC_P-Samson Vignette.pdf
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 08/15/24 03:04 EduCase
Viewed: 48 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 208
Dose: Yes
Category: 2024 World Lung Conference
Groups : 2024 World Lung Conference
Image Modalities: CT, PT
DVH: Yes
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, Canada, Frankfurt, Singapore
WCLC - Hypofractionated Lung Retreatment - Pamela Samson, MD, MPHS

Workshop Timeline: IASLC 2024 World Conference on Lung Cancer | San Diego (WCLC 2024) September 7th, 2024

1. MR linac applications in NSCLC - Percy Lee, M.D.
2. When/how to utilize adaptive RT treatment techniques in NSCLC - Pamela Samson, MD, MPHS
3. SBRT boost in locally advanced NSCLC- LU008 contouring guidelines - Charles B. Simone, MD
4. SBRT for oligoprogression - C. Jillian Tsai MD, MS, PhD

Contouring Homework:
GTV on Slices 59, 63, 67, 69
Bronchus on Slices 59, 63, 67, 69
GreatVessels on Slices 59, 63, 67, 69

Resource Files:
- WCLC_P-Samson Vignette.pdf
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 08/15/24 03:04 EduCase
Viewed: 55 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 143
Dose: Yes
Category: 2024 World Lung Conference
Groups : 2024 World Lung Conference
Image Modalities: CT, PT
DVH: Yes
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, Canada, Frankfurt, Singapore
WCLC - (OPD-Sternum) C2 - C. Jillian Tsai MD, MS, PhD

Workshop Timeline: IASLC 2024 World Conference on Lung Cancer | San Diego (WCLC 2024) September 7th, 2024

1. MR linac applications in NSCLC - Percy Lee, M.D.
2. When/how to utilize adaptive RT treatment techniques in NSCLC - Pamela Samson, MD, MPHS
3. SBRT boost in locally advanced NSCLC- LU008 contouring guidelines - Charles B. Simone, MD
4. SBRT for oligoprogression - C. Jillian Tsai MD, MS, PhD

Contouring Homework:
CTVm_3000  on Slices 52, 65, 78, 90
ITVm_3000  on Slices 52, 65, 78, 90
Chestwall_L  on Slices 52, 65, 78, 90
Chestwall_R  on Slices 52, 65, 78, 90

Resource Files:
- WCLC OMD Cases Tsai-2024 Vignette
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 08/15/24 03:04 EduCase
Viewed: 51 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 176
Dose: No
Category: 2024 World Lung Conference
Groups : 2024 World Lung Conference
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, Canada, Frankfurt, Singapore
WCLC - (OPD-Lung) C3 - C. Jillian Tsai MD, MS, PhD

Workshop Timeline: IASLC 2024 World Conference on Lung Cancer | San Diego (WCLC 2024) September 7th, 2024

1. MR linac applications in NSCLC - Percy Lee, M.D.
2. When/how to utilize adaptive RT treatment techniques in NSCLC - Pamela Samson, MD, MPHS
3. SBRT boost in locally advanced NSCLC- LU008 contouring guidelines - Charles B. Simone, MD
4. SBRT for oligoprogression - C. Jillian Tsai MD, MS, PhD

Contouring Homework:
CTVm_4500  on Slices 63, 71, 82, 87
ITVm_4500  on Slices 63, 71, 82, 87
PTVm_4500  on Slices 63, 71, 82, 87
Chestwall_R  on Slices 63, 71, 82, 87
Bronchus on Slices 63, 71, 82, 87

Resource Files:
- WCLC OMD Cases Tsai-2024 Vignette
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 08/15/24 03:04 EduCase
Viewed: 90 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 176
Dose: No
Category: 2024 World Lung Conference
Groups : 2024 World Lung Conference
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, Canada, Frankfurt, Singapore
Trevor Leong - GI

Workshop Timeline:
September 28th, 2024

Professor Trevor Leong is a Consultant Radiation Oncologist and past Director of Radiation Oncology at Peter Mac

Contour Homework:
Contour the GTV
Contour the iGTV based on the 4DCT at 0% and 50% exhale.
Contour the CTV 
Contour the Heart OAR on slice 69, 77, 83, 102

Disabled Contours: All other contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Trevor Leong GI Vignette.pdf
- PMCC GI Unit planning guidelines
- RTOG Expert Consensus Guidelines (Wu et al).
- Heart OAR, Michael Ng. 2009
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 08/15/24 03:03 EduCase
Viewed: 60 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 241
Dose: No
Image Modalities: CT, PT
Disease Site: Gastro Intestinal
Server locations: US, Canada, Frankfurt, Singapore
Janice Yeh – Breast and Nodes

Workshop Timeline:
March 18th, 2024

Dr Janice Yeh is a Radiation Oncologist working at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Breast Cancer

Contour Homework:
Contour “CTV_4005” = Left breast on slice #89, #101, #128, #139, #162
Contour “CTV_SClav4005” = Left supraclav / level III-IV nodal region on all appropriate slices
Contour “CTV_Ax_4005” = Left axilla level I-II nodal region on all appropriate slices
Contour “CTV_IMC” = Left internal mammary chain nodal region on all appropriate slices
If there’s time, contour “Tumour Bed” = Left breast tumour bed on all appropriate slices

Disabled Contours: All other contours disabled
Enabled Contours: SpinalCanal Patient Heart Lung_L Lung_R HumeralHead

Resource Files:
- Dr Janice Yeh, VICTRANET Residency Vignette
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 04/18/24 15:59 Visctranet Admin
Viewed: 87 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 202
Dose: Yes
Image Modalities: CT
DVH: Yes
Doctor's Name: Dr. Janice Yeh
Disease Site: Breast
Server locations: US, Singapore, Sydney
Caso meduloblastoma

"Mexico: Proyecto Radioterapia April 20, 2024"

Paula Aristizabal MD Dr. Paula Aristizabal is a hematologist-oncologist at Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego and an associate professor of pediatrics in the Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology at UC San Diego.
Raymond Mailhot: Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology at University of Florida, Proton Therapy Institute

Descripción del caso
Hx: Niño de 10 años con meduloblastoma de riesgo normal que ha recibido una resección casi-total (near total resection).

Por favor, contorneen:
Cóclea izquierda (CochleaLt)
Hipocampo izquierda (HippoLt = Booleano de HippoHeadLt y HippoTailLt)
Hipotálamo (Hypothalamus)

Disabled Contours: All
Enabled Reference Contours: None

Resource Files:
EduCase User Guide (html5)
EduCase Contouring Homework Video Tutorial

Uploaded: 01/22/24 12:31 EduCase
Viewed: 178 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 382
Dose: No
Category: Mexico: Proyecto Radioterapia April 20, 2024
Groups : Mexico: Pediatric Cancer Workshop
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Central Nervous system
Server locations: US, Sanpalo, Singapore
Hodgkin's Case 4: Pediatrics EduMod
Uploaded: 06/28/23 10:58 EduCase
Viewed: 4 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 367
Dose: No
Category: EduMod Cases
Groups : EduMods
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Lymphoma
Server locations: US, Canada, London, Singapore
Bilal Case 4
Uploaded: 06/28/23 10:11 EduCase
Viewed: 234 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 367
Dose: No
Category: EduCase Demo Cases
Groups: None
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Central Nervous system
Server locations: US, Canada, London, Singapore

Workshop Timeline:
TBD - 2023

Aneesh Dhar - PI
Anand Swaminath- Supervising PI
Rohann Correa
Shankar Siva

Contour Homework:

Required contours:
1. iGTV (slices 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, and any additional slices that are deemed necessary)
2. ITV (slices 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, and any additional slices that are deemed necessary)

Optional contours:
1. RenalPelvis_L
2. RenalPelvis_R
3. RenalCortex_L
4. RenalCortex_R
5. Kidney_L
6. Kidney_R
7. SmallBowel
8. LargeBowel
9. Duodenum
10. Stomach
11. CaudaEquina
12. SpinalCanal
13. Liver
14. Heart
15. Lung_L
16. Lung_R
17. Extra Volume 1
18. Extra Volume 2
19. Extra Volume 3
20. Extra Volume 4
21. Extra Volume 5

Disabled Contours: The iGTV and ITV that were used clinically are disabled.
Enabled Contours: All OARs that were used clinically are enabled.

Resource Files:
- Clinical Vignette
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 03/17/23 08:24 EduCase
Viewed: 114 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 124
Dose: Yes
Category: IROCK consensus guidelines (kidney)
Groups : IROCK
Image Modalities: CT
DVH: Yes
Disease Site: Genitourinary
Server locations: US, Canada, London, Singapore
Hodgkin's Case 1: Pediatrics EduMod
Uploaded: 01/25/23 07:51 EduCase
Viewed: 15 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 361
Dose: No
Category: EduMod Cases
Groups : EduMods
Image Modalities: CT, PT
Disease Site: Lymphoma
Server locations: US, Frankfurt, Singapore
Hodgkin's lymphoma - KD

PROS Congress 2022 – June 8th-11th, 2022

Professor Dr. Karin Dieckmann
Professor Dr. Beate Timmermann

Contour Homework (Marked with Blue icons):
CTV Primary Tumor extension on Slices 42, 53, 60, 61, 65, 70
PTV Hals li Mediastinum on Slices 42, 53, 60, 61, 65, 70
CTV boost on Slices 46, 48, 50
PTV boost li supra on Slices 46, 48, 50
Thyreoidea l on Slices 42
Thyreoidea r on Slices 42
Esophagus on Slices 42, 53, 61

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- PROS-Contouring workshop 
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 05/16/22 08:59 EduCase
Viewed: 144 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 117
Dose: No
Category: PROS Congress June 8-11, 2022
Groups : 07212022 PROS Congress
Image Modalities: CT, PT
Disease Site: Lymphoma
Server locations: US, Frankfurt, Singapore
Primary Lung Cancer - RUL

Oligo Credentialing Workshop Sept 23 2021

Dr Anoop Haridass, MSc, MBBS, MRCP, FRCR. Stanley Medical College in Madras
Dr Alison Tree: Royal Marsden Hospital / Institute of Cancer Research
Dr James Talbot: Royal Marsden Hospital / Institute of Cancer Research

Contour Homework:
IGTV on Slices 44, 46, 48, 50
SpinalCanal on Slices 44, 46, 48, 50
Esophagus on Slices 44, 46, 48, 50
BronchusProx on Slices 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62
BrachialPlexus on Slices 19, 21, 23, 25

Disabled Contours: All
Enabled Reference Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Vignette: 3 cases Oligo Credentialing Workshop
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide (HTML5 version)
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Data and material from, or that you provide in connection with, this class may be used in an aggregate form without limitation by UK SABR Consortium or, as specified by UK SABR Consortium, by its designees/licensees. By providing such data or material, including drawings, and by participating in this class, you consent to this use.

Uploaded: 08/03/21 14:13 EduCase
Viewed: 114 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 117
Dose: No
Category: Olio Credentialing Workshop Sept 23 2021
Groups : Olio Credentialing Workshop Sept 23 2021
Image Modalities: CT, PT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, London, Singapore
Patient 1: Stage IIIB NSCLC: AZ Contouring Workshop

AZ Master Class for contouring February 18, 2021 - on-line

Dr Natalia Dengina

GTVp on slices 28, 33, 37, 43
GTVn on slices 19, 28
CTV on slices 19, 28, 33, 37, 43
PTV on slices 19, 28, 33, 37, 43

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide (HTML5 version)
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 02/14/21 01:36 EduCase
Viewed: 72 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 49
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : 20210214_AZ Contouring Workshop
Image Modalities: CT, PT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, London, Frankfurt, Sydney
Patient 4: Pancoast tumor NSCLC: AZ Contouring Workshop

AZ Master Class for contouring February 18, 2021 - on-line

Dr Natalia Dengina

GTVp on slices 55, 58
GTVn on slices 67, 74, 80
CTV on slices 55, 58, 67, 74, 80
PTV on slices 55, 58, 67, 74, 80

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide (HTML5 version)
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 02/14/21 01:35 EduCase
Viewed: 23 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 161
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : 20210214_AZ Contouring Workshop
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, London, Frankfurt, Singapore
Caso meduloblastoma

"Taller de contorneado de tumores pediátricos de SOMERA" 5-7 de marzo de 2021

Lola De la Mata: Jefe de Unidad de Radioterapia en Centro de Cancer Hospital ABC MEXICO D.F.
Raymond Mailhot: Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology at University of Florida, Proton Therapy Institute

Descripción del caso
Hx: Niño de 10 años con meduloblastoma de riesgo normal que ha recibido una resección casi-total (near total resection).

Por favor, contorneen:
GTV: 104, 111, 118
Cóclea izquierda (CochleaLt): 105
Hipocampo izquierda (HippoHeadLt): 93, 96
Hipotálamo (Hypothalamus): 88
CTV (CTV CSI): 268, 291, 325

* Si tiene tiempo, describa la estructura total.

Disabled Contours: All
Enabled Reference Contours: None

Resource Files:
EduCase User Guide (html5)
EduCase Contouring Homework Video Tutorial

Uploaded: 02/04/21 03:44 EduCase
Viewed: 61 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 382
Dose: No
Category: SOMERA Pediatric Workshop - Mar 5-7, 2021
Groups : 2021035-7_SOMERA
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Central Nervous system
Server locations: US, Sanpalo, Singapore
Patient 1: Stage IIIB NSCLC: AZ Contouring Workshop

AZ Master Class for contouring January 30, 2021 - on-line

Dr Natalia Dengina

GTVp on slices 28, 33, 37, 43
GTVn on slices 19, 28
CTV on slices 19, 28, 33, 37, 43
PTV on slices 19, 28, 33, 37, 43

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide (HTML5 version)
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 01/22/21 14:11 EduCase
Viewed: 40 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 49
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : 20210130_AZ Contouring Workshop
Image Modalities: CT, PT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, London, Frankfurt, Sydney
Patient 4: Pancoast tumor NSCLC: AZ Contouring Workshop

AZ Master Class for contouring January 30, 2021 - on-line

Dr Natalia Dengina

GTVp on slices 55, 58
GTVn on slices 67, 74, 80
CTV on slices 55, 58, 67, 74, 80
PTV on slices 55, 58, 67, 74, 80

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide (HTML5 version)
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 01/22/21 14:10 EduCase
Viewed: 18 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 161
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : 20210130_AZ Contouring Workshop
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, London, Frankfurt, Singapore
Patient 1: Stage IIIB NSCLC: AZ Contouring Workshop

AZ Master Class for contouring December 25, 2020 - on-line

Dr Natalia Dengina

GTVp on slices 28, 33, 37, 43
GTVn on slices 19, 28
CTV on slices 19, 28, 33, 37, 43
PTV on slices 19, 28, 33, 37, 43

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide (HTML5 version)
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 12/17/20 10:19 EduCase
Viewed: 114 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 49
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : 20201225_AZ Contouring Workshop
Image Modalities: CT, PT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, London, Frankfurt, Sydney
Patient 4: Pancoast tumor NSCLC: AZ Contouring Workshop

AZ Master Class for contouring December 25, 2020 - on-line

Dr Natalia Dengina

GTVp on slices 55, 58
GTVn on slices 67, 74, 80
CTV on slices 55, 58, 67, 74, 80
PTV on slices 55, 58, 67, 74, 80

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide (HTML5 version)
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 12/17/20 09:17 EduCase
Viewed: 42 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 161
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : 20201225_AZ Contouring Workshop
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, London, Frankfurt, Singapore
Caso meduloblastoma

"Taller de contorneo tumores pediátricos SOMERA en colaboración con la Universidad de Florida” Noviembre 28, 2020

Lola De la Mata: Jefe de Unidad de Radioterapia en Centro de Cancer Hospital ABC MEXICO D.F.
Raymond Mailhot: Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology at University of Florida, Proton Therapy Institute

Descripción del caso
Hx: Niño de 10 años con meduloblastoma de riesgo normal que ha recibido una resección casi-total (near total resection).

Por favor, contorneen:
GTV: 104, 111, 118
Cóclea izquierda (CochleaLt): 105
Hipocampo izquierda (HippoHeadLt): 93, 96
Hipotálamo (Hypothalamus): 88
CTV (CTV CSI): 268, 291, 325

*Si les queda tiempo, contorneen las estructuras totales (todas las capas) del GTV, cóclea izquierda, e hipotálamo.

Disabled Contours: All
Enabled Reference Contours: None

Resource Files:
EduCase User Guide (html5)
EduCase Contouring Homework Video Tutorial

Uploaded: 10/29/20 05:01 Somera Admin
Viewed: 761 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 382
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : 20201128_SOMERA
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Central Nervous System
Server locations: US, Sanpalo, Singapore
Caso de linfoma de Hodgkin

"Taller de contorneo tumores pediátricos SOMERA en colaboración con la Universidad de Florida” Noviembre 28, 2020

Lola De la Mata: Jefe de Unidad de Radioterapia en Centro de Cancer Hospital ABC MEXICO D.F.
Raymond Mailhot: Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology at University of Florida, Proton Therapy Institute

Descripción del caso
Hx: Mujer de 18 años con linfoma de Hodgkin etapa IVA tratada por el protocolo de EURONET C2. Hay tres PET-CTs presentadas: la de prequimio (pre-chemotherapy), durante quimio (interim), y después de quimio (post-chemotherapy).

Por favor, contorneen:
CTV (ITV SR): 109, 122, 162, 215
CTVboost: 89, 101, 111, 115
Corazón (Heart): 147

*para el CTV boost, según este protocolo, hay un boost a la enfermedad que sigue positiva después de la quimio

*Si les queda tiempo, contorneen las estructuras totales (todas las capas) del CTVboost

Disabled Contours: All
Enabled Reference Contours: None

Resource Files:
EduCase User Guide (html5)
EduCase Contouring Homework Video Tutorial

Uploaded: 10/27/20 14:25 Somera Admin
Viewed: 432 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 309
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : 20201128_SOMERA
Image Modalities: CT, PT
Disease Site: Lymphoma
Server locations: US, Sanpalo, Singapore
Primary Lung Cancer – RUL

Joint SABR Consortium & RCR Contouring Training Workshop Monday 19th and Thursday 22nd October 2020

Anoop Haridass, MSc, MBBS, MRCP, FRCR. Stanley Medical College in Madras and trained in Oncology at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre.

Contour Homework:
IGTV on Slices 44, 46, 48, 50
SpinalCanal on Slices 44, 46, 48, 50
Esophagus on Slices 44, 46, 48, 50
BronchusProx on Slices 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62
BrachialPlexus on Slices 19, 21, 23, 25

Disabled Contours: All
Enabled Reference Contours: None

Resource Files:
2020 UK SABR Cons Primary Lung Cancer – RUL Vignette
EduCase Contouring Homework Video Tutorial

Data and material from, or that you provide in connection with, this class may be used in an aggregate form without limitation by UK SABR Consortium or, as specified by UK SABR Consortium, by its designees/licensees. By providing such data or material, including drawings, and by participating in this class, you consent to this use.

Uploaded: 09/01/20 07:59 UK SABR Admin
Viewed: 256 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 117
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : 2020 UK SABR Consortium
Image Modalities: CT, PT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, London, Singapore
Patient 1: Stage IIIB NSCLC: AZ Contouring Workshop

AZ Master Class for contouring May 14, 2020 - on-line

Dr Natalia Dengina

GTVp on slices 28, 33, 37, 43
GTVn on slices 19, 28
CTV on slices 19, 28, 33, 37, 43
PTV on slices 19, 28, 33, 37, 43

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- vignette pending
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 04/09/20 11:34 RUSSCO Admin
Viewed: 75 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 49
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : 20200421 RUSSCO
Image Modalities: CT, PT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, London, Frankfurt
Patient 4: Pancoast tumor NSCLC: AZ Contouring Workshop

AZ Master Class for contouring May 14, 2020 - on-line

Dr Natalia Dengina

GTVp on slices 55, 58
GTVn on slices 67, 74, 80
CTV on slices 55, 58, 67, 74, 80
PTV on slices 55, 58, 67, 74, 80

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- vignette pending
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 04/09/20 11:16 RUSSCO Admin
Viewed: 76 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 161
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : 20200421 RUSSCO
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, London, Frankfurt
Uploaded: 03/05/20 07:40 Phillip Devlin
Viewed: 7 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 144
Dose: No
Category: LROC Harvard University
Groups : Harvard
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Gastro Intestinal
Server locations: US
PD04_Chest_Female (slice relabeling)
Uploaded: 03/05/20 07:39 Phillip Devlin
Viewed: 191 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 144
Dose: No
Category: LROC Harvard University
Groups: None
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Head and Neck
Server locations: US
Uploaded: 03/05/20 07:38 Phillip Devlin
Viewed: 2 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 399
Dose: No
Category: LROC Harvard University
Groups : Harvard
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Sarcomas
Server locations: US
PD09A_Extremity_Upper sm
Uploaded: 03/05/20 07:38 Phillip Devlin
Viewed: 1 time
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 146
Dose: No
Category: LROC Harvard University
Groups : Harvard
Image Modalities: CT, MR
Disease Site: Sarcomas
Server locations: US
Thoracic SABR: An Ultra-Central Tumor: ARC Bootcamp 2019

Anatomy and Radiology Contouring Bootcamp for Radiation Oncology Residents Oct 30 - Nov 1, 2019, Ivey Spencer Leadership Centre London, Ontario, Canada

Dr. David Palma, Department of Radiation Oncology, London Health Sciences Centre


Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
Vignette pending...
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 10/09/19 05:28 ARC Bootcamp Admin
Viewed: 10 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 142
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : _10012019_ARC_Bootcamp
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, Canada, Frankfurt
Dr. Onyi Balogon: Right Chestwall: AORTIC 2019

eContouring Workshop: The African Organisation for Research and Training in Cancer (AORTIC) will host its 12th International Conference on Cancer in Africa from 5 to 8 November 2019 in Maputo, Mozambique

eContouring Faculty:
Onyi Balogon - Breast
Rebecca Wong - Rectal
Komeela Naidoo - Head and Neck

CTV Rt Chestwall on slices 60, 82, 100
PTV Rt ChestWall on slices 60, 82, 100
LN_Supraclav_R on slices 31, 37
LN_AxillaryLv1_R on slices 52, 68, 79
LN_AxillaryLv2_R on slices 45, 49, 52
LN_AxillaryLv3_R on slices 40, 44

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- OB ChestWall Vingette
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 10/09/19 05:27 AORTIC Admin
Viewed: 142 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 164
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : _11052019_AORTIC
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Breast
Server locations: US, London, Frankfurt, Sanpalo
Dr. Onyi Balogon: Right Breast: AORTIC 2019

eContouring Workshop: The African Organisation for Research and Training in Cancer (AORTIC) will host its 12th International Conference on Cancer in Africa from 5 to 8 November 2019 in Maputo, Mozambique

eContouring Faculty:
Onyi Balogon - Breast
Rebecca Wong - Rectal
Komeela Naidoo - Head and Neck

RightBreast on slices 50, 85, 98
CTV Right Breast on slices 50, 85, 98
PTV Right Breast on slices 50, 85, 98
CTV Boost on slices 74, 79
PTV Boost on slices 74, 79

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- OB RightBreast Vignette
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 10/09/19 05:27 AORTIC Admin
Viewed: 58 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 130
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : _11052019_AORTIC
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Breast
Server locations: US, London, Frankfurt
Dr. Alex Martin: Lung SABR: Genesis Care SABR Nov 2019 (SABR 03)

GenesisCare SABR Workshop: Saturday 23 November 2019

Dr. Alex Martin

No homework for this case

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- tbd
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 10/09/19 05:26 Genesis Care
Viewed: 114 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 193
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : _11232019_GenesisCare_SABR
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: London, Singapore
Dr. David Palma:: Thoracic SABR: An Ultra-Central Tumor

SBRT Symposium Amsterdam July 4-5, 2019

Dr David Palma

IGTV on slices 81, 77, 73, 69, 66
Proximal Bronchus on slices 84, 79, 75, 69
Great Vessels on slices 80, 75, 70

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- Contouring Case_Chest.pdf
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 04/18/19 04:21 ARC Bootcamp Admin
Viewed: 572 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 142
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : _07042019_SBRT_Symposium_DP
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, Canada, London, Frankfurt
Patient 1: RUSSCO lung cancer workshop 2019: Stage IIIB NSCLC

RUSSCO Contouring Workshop: Piter  March 16th, 2019

Dr Natalia Dengina

GTVp on slices 28, 33, 37, 43
GTVn on slices 19, 28
CTV on slices 19, 28, 33, 37, 43
PTV on slices 19, 28, 33, 37, 43

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- vignette pending
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 03/06/19 11:13 RUSSCO Admin
Viewed: 142 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 49
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : _03122019_ Russco
Image Modalities: CT, PT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, London, Frankfurt
Patient 4: RUSSCO lung cancer workshop 2019: Pancoast tumor NSCLC

RUSSCO Contouring Workshop: Piter  March 16th, 2019

Dr Natalia Dengina

GTVp on slices 55, 58
GTVn on slices 67, 74, 80
CTV on slices 55, 58, 67, 74, 80
PTV on slices 55, 58, 67, 74, 80

Disabled Contours: All contours disabled
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
- vignette pending
- EduCase Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
- EduCase User Guide
- EduCase Metrics Guide (basic)

Uploaded: 03/06/19 08:39 RUSSCO Admin
Viewed: 41 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 161
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : _03122019_ Russco
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, London, Frankfurt
Dr. Noha Jastaniyah:Left Breast Case: ICRM 2018

ICRM-2018 e-Contouring workshop/competition: Dr. Noha Jastaniyah

Contouring Homework:
CTV_CW_L on slices 89, 103, 124, 131, 142, 150
CTVn_Ax_L on slices 70, 78, 83, 93, 100
CTVn_IMN_L on slices 97, 101, 110, 124
CTVn_SCL_L on slices 62, 67, 73, 76
Thyroid on slices 57, 61, 67, 70
Heart_P on slices 121, 128, 136, 154

Resource Files:
Demo Training Video: How to contour, complete the homework, and save/submit
02112018 Breast NJ Vignette
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 02/05/18 22:30 Ahmad Nobah
Viewed: 80 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 214
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : _02112018_ICRM
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Breast
Server locations: US, London, Frankfurt
Dr Jayant Sastri Goda: CP_27314_MEDULLO_CSI
Uploaded: 09/06/17 17:05 IAEA Administrator
Viewed: 84 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 209
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : 05132017_IAEA Bangladesh
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Central Nervous system
Server locations: US, Mumbai

Contoured Structures: BODY, Eye L, Eye R, OpticNerve R, OpticNerve L, Lung R, Lung L, Lens R, Lens L, Thyroid, Heart, Esophagus, Stomach, Liver, Bowel, 14 more structures...
IROS:: Breast : Dr. Sri Mutya Sekarutami

Indonesian Society of Radiation Oncology (IROS) Scientific Meeting, May 11-13, 2017 Ciputra Hotel, Semarang, Indonesia

Contour Homework:
Please contour the following on the treatment planning CT:
* Whole breast CTV
* Lymph node CTV Axilla level III
* Lymph node CTV Level IV
* Lymph node CTV Internal-mammary
* OAR: Relevant organs at risk (many are listed in the structure set)

Please contour these structures on slice numbers: 76, 82, 91, 103, 118, 132, 141, 150 

Disabled Contours: All "Author's Structures" are disabled for students during workshop
Enabled Contours: None

Resource Files:
Breast Vignette
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 04/10/17 19:49 Gregorius Ben Prajogi
Viewed: 76 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 200
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : 05112017_IROS
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Breast
Server locations: US, Singapore
Dr. Thomas Dilling: SBRT 4D Lung: BGD 2017

National Training Course on Target Volume delineation in Bangladesh from 13-18 May 2017

Contour Homework:
GTV: Slices 58, 65, 69.

Disabled Contours: sim iso, GITV, PTV, Varian_IGRT_Table, Foam, Carina, Lung_L, Lung_R, Lungs, ring1, ring2, ring3, avoid, ROI_1, PTV_edit
Enabled Reference Contours: ProxBronchialTree, Chestwall, Esophagus, SpinalCord

Resource Files:
BGD2017 TD SBRT Vignette
EduCase User Guide

Uploaded: 03/21/17 23:22 IAEA Administrator
Viewed: 55 times
Emailed: 0 times
Total Slices: 92
Dose: No
Category: Past Events
Groups : 05132017_IAEA Bangladesh
Image Modalities: CT
Disease Site: Lungs
Server locations: US, Singapore